



Lödr is a super lightweight JavaScript API for adding boot loader screens to your websites. You simply include a single .js file to get started. Once you've done that, you can use Lödr's three functions to configure and display a loading screen like the one you see on this site.

Boot loader screens are commonly seen on video games to signify who created them or what engines they used in development. We at LugoCorp decided they would look good on websites too. So we created this tiny JS library to make our idea a reality.


There are only 3 functions in Lödr's API:


This function increments the library's expectation for resource loading. You call this function to increase the number of loading steps that the library expects by x, or 1 if x is undefined.


This function configures the loading screen and displays it. You should call it after you've made all your lodr.goalpost() calls, but before any lodr.progress() calls. The config parameter is an object that is detailed below.


This function increments the number of loaded resources in the library. You call it to tell the load screen how far along your progress is. The number of loaded steps gets incremented by x, or 1 if x is undefined.

The lodr.load(config) function takes a single object parameter that defines how your load screen will look. The fields of the config object are detailed here:
